Channel: TheLostNarrator
Category: Entertainment
Tags: magicaudiobookfriendshipfriendshipship is magicfimthe last problemmacabreobabscribblervoice actinghalloweenscary storiesghostthelostnarratorpodcastseries finalelost narratorhalloween special 2019radio plays9 e26ghost storiesink dyemonth of macabrenosleepisbelovedspecialhalloween specialnarratorscribbler productionstale of the lost narratorr/nosleepnarrationseason 9octoberasmrhalloween storiesgrimdark
Description: Ever wonder how Beloved passed her time in that endless void? Writing, of course. This year, Magpiepony is pulling out the stops with seven terrifying uploads, back-to-back from October 25th to Halloween! Come join us for some tragic and horrifying stories and maybe even a few never-before-seen surprises! Artwork by xXMarkingXx Music by The Dark Somnium Support me on Patreon and get some awesome rewards! Follow me on Twitter!